12/31/11, 11:00 PM
It's late, and I'm tired, but had to start this.
Reasons why I'm doing this juice feast:
I want to break all addictions and have clarity of thought.
I want the accomplishment of self mastery when it's done.
I want the health and vitality that comes with this.
I want the energy and clarity to change my world for the better.
It's the beginning of the year, which I feel is a perfect time to start, and 90 days from now will be my birthday- a great time to celebrate my accomplishment.
There is a part of me that is angry about embarking on this journey- it's the part that doesn't want to let go of food, the part that wants to hold on to addictions. I also do not need the added work of juicing to my already overcrowded schedule! But I'm worth this- and this is a gift I want to give myself. I went on a 6 day detox earlier in the year and felt great after. I can't wait to see how I feel on this after 90 days!
I weighed in at 135.2
Shopped today:
18 bunches of Romaine
4- 9 oz bags of spinach
5 cucumbers
5 heads? of celery
3 bunches parsley
24 pounds of Fuji apples
huge box of oranges
5 grapefruit
bee pollen
hemp oil
Made 1.5 gallons of juice from:
6 heads of romaine
1 bunch parsley
1 bag spinach
2 pounds kale
2 heads celery
about 20 apples
1 cucumber
When ready to drink I add a little lemon juice- this actually tastes pretty good to me :) But my stomach is aching for FOOD!!! But I'll be fine- I can do this!
I want FOOD!!! I really really want a date. I have a terrible sweet tooth and really want a medjool date. I have milk kefir in the fridge and 1/2 gallon of raw milk. I'm not happy about throwing that stuff out. I guess I'll have to dehydrate my kefir grains too. I will have to check and see how long I can freeze them for- I'd rather do that.