Okay- it's time for the big reveal, drum roll please.... hahaha! j/k
I only lost 9.5 pounds, but all my clothes are so loose! Sorry I didin't take any before pics, but you can tell from the pants that there was a pretty big change. The pants were never tight, but they did fit a whole lot better 43 days ago.
If you read the comments from the previous post you will see that I said I was not at all disappointed that I quit earlier than I expected. The OCD part of me is a little miffed that I didn't make it even half way, but I'll get over it :P I also said I probably should have quit earlier b/c I feel like a kid who was brought up by over protective parents and has finally been set FREE!! FREE to INDULGE!!! (and bulge- NO!!) I feel a little out of control tasting everything in sight regardless of what it is!! That is so NOT me! I'm forcing down juice to try to help curb that.
I ate my prunes very happily this morning, but 8 oz. was a lot! It took me a while to eat them, and afterward I was pretty full. Transit time? 6.5 hours!! lol which is pretty good- I heard up to 12 hours is healthy. I'm actually looking forward to 2 rounds of prunes tomorrow. The hubs was out late last night. I called him to ask if he could pick some prunes up for me on the way home- what a sweetheart, he did! So I got up right away and put them in water so I could start to break first thing :)
Oh oh oh- sorry... the drum is still rolling? okay okay!!
Had to throw in bodybuilding pic in there :P
Again, I lost all the fat (9.5 pounds) in just 2 weeks. After that it was detoxing, cleansing, healing and lessons in self control.
So I'm done for now... well, sort of. I do have 6 days of breaking out of this. I will continue posting though as I do plan on making a career of sorts out of the raw food/health/nutrition field. I will continue to educate myself on the culinary arts as well as in nutrition and health. I plan on posting lots on those topics as time goes by.
Celebrate life- keep it raw!
~(RawesomelyFit) Wendy
Look at those biceps! I was surprised that the soaked prunes were pleasant...of course it was wouldn't have been my first choice if it weren't protoall - mind you.... :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Pam! :) I LOVE prunes!! I've actually continued to eat them after the juice fasting- I have a small bowl with a sliced banana for breakfast just about every morning! :P Maybe I like them even more now b/c it was the first thing I got to eat after 42 days, haha.