Day 37
Feb. 5, 2012
Superbowl Sunday!
Physical & Psychological:
I'm starting to put these 2 together b/c they always seem to be so tightly bound together... interesting. Or at least they seem to be difficult for me to separate when thinking and writing. On that note- there seems to be a direct corrolation between how my body feels and my attitude about things- kinda low energy... interesting again! It's an effort to push forward.
Feeling rather tired, but sleeping better. I have enough energy to do what I need to do and maybe walk 1/2 hour- so that's good. I feel like my body is really in detox mode now- it's kind of a rocky road. I so want to quit and just eat, but I know this is the most critical time to stay on.
I should be able to weigh in later- probably didn't lose any more, but who knows- we'll see. I know that being hungry is a good thing for this short of a time frame. I'm starving any tumors or abnormal growths that might have been lurking. The body will feed according to priority- and abnormal cells are not a priority.
I'll have to do some shopping today. The weather has gone back to COLD again- ugh! But that means that the produce will keep better in the garage. I can buy a week's worth that way :) I don't like the greens with apple, but I do like carrot and apple- so I'll do some of that this week. I like my greens with tomato, salt and garlic :) I also should order some more honey this week too- I think the master cleanses are a good idea once a day.
I'm glad I have enough juice for today- do not feel like juicing! I don't feel much like shopping in this cold either- just want to take a nap...
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