Day 34
Feb. 2, 2012, Happy Groundhog Day!
Thursday AM
Well today is Groundhog Day. I live only about an hour and a half from Punxsy, where Punxatawney Phil may or may not see his shadow. I've never been to see the production, but that's okay, I'm not fond of the cold ;) This is the anniversary of the day I met my husband!! We are both living that day over and over, hahaha!
Still tired. But new ocurrences are taking place- my head feels weird. It feels kinda stuffy like I'm getting a sinus infection (which I know I'm NOT). I think something is being cleaned out in there, kinda cool! And there have been sightings of UFOs (unidentified floating objects) in the commode! kinda like white bits or flakes. I can't imagine anything passing through that could remain WHITE with all that green dye in there!
I'm doing research on bee pollen for my website. WOW! What amazing stuff. I think it's the pollen that is curing my cough. It's great for just about everything, but respiratory issues are on the top of the list. I have a bit of a confession here to go with this. At night my birds get about a teaspoonful of Ben and Jerry's strawberry cheesecake ice cream while we watch a movie together (Daisy loves to watch TV!) They eat their ice cream and watch a movie with me for about an hour or so before bed (Kerm and I usually fall asleep, lol). Well ice cream is one of my all time weaknesses :( So while dishing it out I probably get about a teaspoonful myself. I noticed that I cough more at night after doing that. I thought- could just a teaspoon really be effecting me like that?!!
So I decided to make a bee pollen concoction for myself for ice cream time to help me not do that. I make: 1 T bee pollen, 1 T honey, 1 T coconut oil (all of which I am allowed to have on this cleanse, however, I'm supposed to take the coconut oil alone- oh well!). I did this last night and hardly any coughing at all! woohoo!! The honey and coconut oil have anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-biotic properties, plus the power of bee pollen- powerful medicine I'm thinking, and it tastes great too :)
Today is a day off from the gym- feels good to take a break :)
I decided I do not like apples in my green juice for now. I like it with tomatoes, salt and garlic. That seems to be the only way I can drink 2 quarts of it a day.
I have a 1/4 of a tiny watermelon left, a pineapple, grapes and some apples for a special treat for this evening- can't wait!!
Pushing forward on my website, doing research and taking notes to write up more pages. Hopefully by the time I get this section built out I'll have my 10 inbound links and I can then begin to monetize- woohoo!! I kinda feel like I've hit a wall here, but will press on and press thru! I know the steps I need to take.
I just been too tired to clean- hopefully this weekend! The weather has been nice, so I'd like to hit the garage sometime soon.
Very interesting ice cream recipe! That's easy to remember too. Did you just mix it by hand or blend it in the blender and chill it? I just picked up some bee pollen this week (since it is allowed). I have all the ingrediants needed. Hmmm... I think I will have to try it!
ReplyDeleteIt's not really ice cream- it was supposed to help me through ice cream time when the birds got theirs! LOL!! it did help some, but ice cream is such a weakness!! I need to get an ice cream maker so I can make my own raw stuff. The concoction is good though. No- not chilled- don't like coconut oil hard/cold ;)