Day 35
Feb. 3, 2012
Friday AM
I feel at this point every day I do this is another day to celebrate. It's tough- I get pretty hungry sometimes. But I seriously want to push through psychological, physical and emotional barriers. I am more drawn toward the fruit juices, I really like those. I haven't had a master cleanse for a while either, but next week I have foster parent training for 3 days- so I will definitely be into the master cleanses for convenience.
I feel like if I can just make it another 12 days to get over "the hump" I'll be okay.
I slept great last night except for the 3 times I had to get up to pee! UGH! so annoying. My head can still feel weird/stuffy on and off. This morning when I got home after working out I had a really euphoric feeling- hard to describe, not light headed, but just very light and expansive.
I'm feeling very thin, but I have felt that way for the last couple of weeks without having lost weight- so who knows. Not sure if I'll weigh in on Sat. or Sun. b/c of my schedule.
Did 30 minutes on the arc trainer and 12 minutes in the Beauty Angel.
Haven't done an enema lately- should probably try to do that sometime soon.
I coughed a lot yesterday :( darn it! Still no meds, no alcohol, no chocolate! Something to be proud of! :)
I juiced enough yesterday for today as well :) I like having a day off from juicing. It's though- I'm getting kinda lazy about making enough juice, but I'm trying to keep my intake up there.
I covered this at the top, but I'm really proud of myself for making it this far. Good things have happened since I've been doing this, and I don't want to stop. I feel like this is going to make me a stronger person, and a healthier one. I've been learning so much. I want to continue to see the physical benefits too. Next week will be a challenge with training, but I am determined to make it through, even if I drink mostly master cleanses- that will be fine for a short time. I won't be able to work on my website hardly at all next week :( ... another set back there- darn it.
The weather has been gorgeous this last week or so- so warm for this time of year! It feels like spring is in the air. It contributes to the feeling of wanting to "change" something, or start something new- like get off the juice, only b/c in my mind I was thinking that spring wouldn't come until I was just about done with it anyhow. I was thinking I'd juice through the winter and be off of it by the time the really nice weather set in. But I'll be fine- I need to deal with it.
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