Day 42
Feb. 10, 2012
Friday night
Well I just got word that the foster care agency is going to provide us 3 days respite next weekend!!! I am so excited! The hubby and I haven't had any alone time since we got Steve back in July- 8 months!! We have Valentine's Day this week as well as his birthday, then 2 weeks later is our 12th anniversary. I am breaking my fast so we can celebrate. Usually every day around here is just like the one before, even if it's supposed to be special. So to have 3 special days in a row and 3 days off is really something to celebrate- I'm so excited and I can't wait to go out to eat with my husband!! :) yay yay yay!!! happy dance!!! Can't wait to shop for prunes first thing in the morning!!! I'll have just the perfect amount of breaking time to go out to dinner next Friday night!! woohoo!!! I am so ready!
I am exicited for your special time together with your husband. Mazel Tov! (Hebrew for "celebrate, congradulations, enjoy"!)
ReplyDeleteNow I am the one left holding the juicer. :-) This was the last thing I expected, I thought for sure I would stop before you. So I am still"processing this", because this is not how I had it figured! :-)
What you have done has been amazing! 42 days is nothing to shake a stick at, congradulations for having gone so far. It was a wonderful occomplishment! Congradutaltions for your commitment and various facets of the fast and all the things you have learned along the way!
Thank you, for being an encouragment to me during JF. Most of all, I am blessed that we have become friends along the way! I am looking forward to encouraging one another in the future in general. Maybe we can do the JF again sometime together. :-)
Blessings, Love, and Shalom, p
(Stay in touch!)
I used to work with a Jewish boy in the jewelry business. Plus, as a Christian my heritage is Judaism :) I have been to many a sedar meal- one was led by a former Jew, very very cool stuff. I love your tradition of the Sabbath rest. As Christians we are supposed to use "church time" as a time of reflection, and even though this is possible, it is not as effective as your tradition b/c with us we are still allowed to work- how can you take time to reflect when you are busy preparing a big Sunday dinner in the kitchen?!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet note!! Thank you so much :) You encouraged me as well- big hugs!! Thanks for the kudos too. I thought I would be disappointed for quitting early, but really I'm not :P I actually think I even went longer than I should have b/c I know feel like a kid who was brought up with over protective parents and have been set free!! INDULGE!!! I feel unbridled and almost out of control! I know I'll settle down, but I'm eating (tasting actually) whatever I want- I'm actually shocked at myself!
So sorry to leave you holding the juicer- lol! But I know you'll take good care of it- ha! I'll be here checking in on you- cheering you on! I'll still be posting- though not as often. I bought Russell James' culinary course- so I'll be posting recipes and such :)
I would love to do this again with you- but I probably will only do 2 weeks max. I'm not an elite juice feaster- the PMS thing knocked me out! This respite thing was perfect timing for me- whew! I'm still so very excited about it!!
Check back soon- I'll be posting a few pictures of my 42 day 49 yearl old Juicefeasting body :P
Thanks again Girlie!! Thanks for all the encouragement- loved sharing this time with you! So glad we met :)
I will definitely stay in touch- often!
Blessing, love and Shalom to you as well!
Wendy :)