Day 36
Feb. 4, 2012
Saturday PM
Physical & Psychological:
Woke up last night with pretty severe side pain- right side abdomin-ish radiating possibly from the back- kidney/adrenal area maybe??? I think yesterday's struggle was a major detox effect. Those are hard to get through b/c you want to return to "normal"- which includes eating solid food. I just had to remind myself that to "break through" I need to push through. It's indicative of life (and I know that!) if I falter on my JF (juice fast/feast) then it's likely that I do and will falter in life. I need to find my way through things. I need to find a way to solve things and push through to the goal. I'm excited I made it!! Today is a much better day, but every day is still a struggle against eating solids. This whole thing is very pschological for me.
Did not workout today.
Went to the Body Systems class and am excited about the business potential I'm finding there- as well as a community that supports healthy living :)
Juiced for quite a while this morning- made my usual green juice (half a gallon), and also over a quart of carrot/apple/a little celery/ a little radish (radish is good for the skin :) I also made a gallon of broth from all the pulp :)
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