Day 42
Feb. 10, 2012
Friday, AM
Physical & Psychological:
This was supposed to be PMS week! I don't have any PMS symptoms except for craving FOOD in general- anything and everything!! Smelling food cooking is driving me insane. I broke down last night and had a couple bites of cooked squash and green peppers- YUM!!! I am hungry all the time. I keep telling myself this will be over before I know it, but somehow I know I'm lying!! lol I'm trying reversed psychology on myself and tell myself to go ahead and quit then, but I just can't (so I guess it works! hahaha). Even if I cheat a little I'm sticking with it as best I can. Every day is a new day, and I want healing!! I'm going to get through the PMS thing and see what things look/feel like on the other side. I actually should have started by now, but haven't... so we'll see what happens. Dinner/night time is usually the hardest, but this morning is pretty tough too. The battle is raging!!! UGH! HELP!! But I'm not going to quit just b/c I'm having a hard time- NO!!
No workout today- I felt too sluggish yesterday so taking the day off from that to do shopping. I am feeling better today, so I'll do some light cardio tomorrow :)
I juiced all fruits this morning: watermelon, pineapple, grapes and strawberries- made 1 1/2 gallons- woohoo!! I tried mixing it with some of my green garbage juice- not too bad, but I can still taste a bit of bitterness, but it will help get it down without wasting it.
I read a blog yesterday about making fruit crackers out of my fruit pulp- hmmmmmm. Not too sure those would appeal to me, but it got me thinking about what I could do with it. I think I'll buy some dates and make fruit leather :)
I also read her blog on making crackers out of the green pulp- now those sound better, and I can tweak that according to my tastes. Only thing is I don't plan on making too much more green stuff, and what I will make will be used for broth. But it's a good idea for the future when I'll be eating again, and having juice too :) I hate wasting food- even pulp! I've been giving it away as compost up until now- and there will still be compost b/c of rinds and such, but that doesn't bother me.
Gotta run this morning- going to do some fruit shopping before the weather gets really cold again. It's not supposed to be nice/warmer until next Wednesday!
That is a good idea about the making the pulp into crackers! I will mess with that in the future too.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about PMS being rough for the feast. That was really hard for me last month. I don't usually exibit such strong adverse reactions, but on the JF I felt like such an angry monster! I wonder why that is???
I think our bodies just need more fat than we get on the JF- it turned me into a monster too!! I think we naturally crave food our bodies need, plus we have the hormones raging with our brain chemistry too- so having to deny our natural tendencies to satisfy a bodily need and control our emotions I think can put us over the edge!! lol I actually skipped this month's cycle- so you KNOW that this JF thing has a powerful effect on hormones/chemistry!!! totally going against nature in that way too. I felt like a vampire out for BLOOD!! hahaha!