1/10/12 Tuesday morning...
What a day yesterday- if ever I've had a day to dive into the anxiety medicine bottle it was yesterday! It started out with my free quiet time first thing in the morning (between 7-8) being taken away from me :( I got pretty irritated about that.
Then at 9 am, our foster son called from school to be picked up for pain in his abdomin. I thought- okay, I'll just get ready for the gym, drop him home and go workout. As I was getting ready to get in the car it suddenly occurred to me that I had a meeting from 10-12!! UGH!! No quiet time, no gym! :( I left the meeting early so I wouldn't feel pressure about getting to work on time. Half way home I realize I had left my water bottle behind! Not just a bottle of water- my $5 BPA free one! UGH! Monday's at work are always a bear- I should start at 11:30! It took me until catching up with work to find my center- that finally happened around 2:30 or so. I did it! I got thru the day without meds- yay!! :)
Thankfully my husband had an awesome business day, and I had no other disasters to deal with.
I forgot to mention yesterday that I made a meal plan for the fam. for the next 2 weeks! Woohoo! That is such a big deal b/c meal prep and planning are a constant source of stress. It's always- What to have, what to make?! But Steve, our foster son, is so good about eating whatever I make, which is so nice. And since I don't eat it I totally cater to what he likes. So at the dinner table Sunday night we went over the things he really likes the most and I put together a meal schedule- that takes so much off me! I'll work on a 30 day schedule and I can just use that over and over, and I'll never have to "worry" about that again! yay!
So yeah, yesterday was a pretty bad day, but I made it through, and I was rewarded this morning- if you can call it that! hahaha Between the master cleanses (and taking the rest of the cayene capsule) and the enemas I passed some amazingly foul stuff this morning!! I was pretty grossed out and shocked- foulness still passing! I saw on the juicefeasting timeline that cleansing continues for 60 days!
After all that foulness passing I even feel like I can breathe better- which is awesome. I do have a respiratory issue. I don't know if it's allergy or bird breeder's lung- whichever it is I hope this cures it!
Slept well last night. Even though I drank about 24 ounces of green juice right before bed I only got up one time to pee :)
I'm still experiencing feeling cold- cold juice in the middle of winter! But I read yesterday that I can have hot tea (certain kinds)- woohoo!! So tea it is! I have tons of Rooibos tea!
Didn't have the quiet space to do an enema yesterday.
Juicing/ Time/ Money
Well, whew! I got through that first gallon of green stuff I made on Saturday- finally! I did not like it at all- too bitter, too yuck! It had too much red pepper juice in it. Today's juice is much better :) I did it that way on purpose- drink the nasty stuff first, then the second batch which has more apples and less peppers would be a nice change. I'm sure I'll drink this next gallon faster. I'll have to juice again tomorrow, which is fine b/c this juice will have lost all it's punch by then.
I'm thinking about being a bit more systematic about my juicing. I'm going to try to juice just one gallon since I only seem to drink 2 quarts of green (b/c I do a master cleanse and a little citrus too). One gallon should be quick. I'll start with:
2 heads of celery
9 oz spinach
2 bunches of parsley
1 cucumber
1 pound kale
6 heads of romaine
and fill the rest of the gallon space with apples- we'll see how that goes.
I am loving this journey!
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