Day 24
Jan. 23, 2012
Monday AM
Well, I only got about 3 hours sleep last night- ugh! I just couldn't get to sleep in the first place. So that's the last time I'll do a COFFEE enema at 3 PM, lol! I also drank orange/grapefruit juice and had a half teaspoon of honey before trying to retire :P , so yeah, probably my fault. I'll take some ashwaghanda after work to help jump start sleep mode tonight though. I am going to turn in early.
And b/c I only got 3 hours sleep I decided it wasn't a good idea to workout- especially since I'm not supposed to be working out as hard as I am anyhow. But I did go to the gym to use the Beauty Angel :)
Here's a great write up on what it is if you've never heard about it:
http://www.beauty-angel.eu/content/index.php/4/130/0/download_gallery.htm My gym includes it in the "Black Card" membership, which is only $19.99/month! Ridiculously low price for a gym that includes chair massage, red light therapy (Beauty Angel) and tanning (which I don't use and don't recommend). Where? Planet Fitness! Check to see if there's one near you ;)
Yesterday I started to notice a strange tingling sensation on my backside!?! I'm like- wtheck is that? It's mostly on the fleshy part of my butt. I'm wondering if it's the Beauty Angel- I have it set for skin tightening and micro-circulation. At any rate it feels weird, hahaha. (but can't feel it while sitting- which is most of the time!)
Face is breaking out- yay? :/ Well it means I am detoxing- so that's a good thing :)
Not really craving anything since I started upping the chlorella. I take 1/4 cup a day- 2 T, twice a day- once in the morning sometime and the other for dinner. Other sups I take: MSM, hemp oil and pee pollen. I should throw in an enzyme cap in the AM too- that will also help eat up more toxic crap in my system.
Juicing/ Time/ Money: $283
Okay- this is a big UGH in every area!! I am just so tired of spending so much time juicing! I bought a reconditioned Breville for $149 from Amazon during the time I should have been sleeping! I bought it with my husband in mind though, no really, I did!! ;-) Out of 22 ratings 18 of them were 5 stars. It looks and sounds like a real "man machine". One reviewer said that it was so powerful sounding it was kinda scary, lol. And it has a wide chute (very little prep required), has easy clean up and juices 8 oz. in 5 seconds!! If that's not a man juicer, I don't know what is! I'm hoping it will get my husband on the raw food band wagon to weight loss and optimal health. BUT I'm also hoping it saves me tons of time in the kitchen for the next 68 days. If it does both of those things it will have been well worth it- and then some.
Because I didn't go to the gym I decided to go buy tomatoes (and a few extras)- spent $18 which gives us the total above, not including the man juicer- just food.
I'm also going to be buying Russell James' new course that just came out :) I plan to use the 10 week course to teach a 10 week class at the YMCA- wish me luck! I won't start studying until April though- b/c of the juicing. I just don't think I could stand the torture, lol. The advice is to stay away from as much food/ advertising as possible to help avoid temptation- good advice! Wish I didn't have to cook!
I forced myself to spend more time cleaning yesterday. Cleaned out this big hutch/cabinet in my bedroom- lots of junk jewelry. It doesn't take up much space, but why accumulate junk? Why hold on to stuff like that? I offered it to Steve, and he took most of it! I was glad he wanted it and thought it was useful :)
I was pretty excited all weekend. I'm so happy to find Raw Food Rehab- what a find!! I am really looking forward to forming great relationships with other crazy people like myself and exchanging encouragement and information :)
I have been in a great mood, my spirits have been high. I never knew raw food/ juice could make you feel so amazing... in the head! It's better than drugs or alcohol- seriously! High on life- high on raw food- high on juice!
You got it! I'm so glad you found one for a good deal!
ReplyDeleteI am very senstive to coffee. The monring is the ONLY option for me...unless maybe...I have to drive 12+ plus hours through the night on long ar trip or something. ;-)
I didn't think I'd be THAT hyped with it going in the wrong end! lol I mean, I know the colon absorbs, but most of it does come back out, hahaha. But yeah, not after 12 noon anymore... if I do one after that it'll have to be just plain water.
DeleteIt was a rough day with being so tired- so glad it's over. I hope your day was a good one, I prayed for you.