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Day 27
Jan. 26, 2012
Thursday AM
The days just keep ticking by. They don't seem quite as long as they did the first week, so things must be getting a little easier. Evenings still seem just as hard though. Tomorrow night is the monthly dinner for our tribe of lady friends- 6 will be there this time. I am responsible for spaghetti. It'll be hard for sure, but I need a ladies' night. I'm not sure if I'll just sit in the living room by the fire... spaghetti! yes, I'll be in the living room; I've been craving SAUCE!! I'll make another Italian Juice to bring with me and some broth if I have time to make it- that should help a little. It's not like I'm going to cheat at this point though b/c I know I can't break my fast with any old kind of food...
I SLEPT!! woohoo!! Got into bed at 9:30! That is about as early as I can make it. I turned the electric blanket on high and fell asleep- woke up 2 hours later in a puddle of sweat! GROSS! I had to change everything! I'll tell you what- I felt really skinny this morning! haha Weigh in will be tomorrow night though- I weigh at Heidi's where we have our tribal get togethers. But I digress... got 8 hours sleep again- I soooo needed that. So last night before bed I drank some Italian Juice and took a Rhodiola and 2 Ashwaghanda caps... will do that again tonight since it seemed to work so well.
I'm a bit tired today... I went shopping this morning instead of working out.... debating on whether to just take the day off or do something lighter??? not sure yet, I still have about 1/2 hour to make up my mind...
Juice/ Time/ Money: $297
It took me about 1/2 hour to juice and strain my the tomatoes that go with the green stuff I juiced on Tuesday. I made more Italian Juice again for today- it's so good.
Spent another $14 this morning- so just about $300 for a month of juicing, plus I still have a case of apples, 6 pounds of tomatoes and some other stuff for tomorrow's juice- so, about $75/week so far.
I was on Joe Cross's blog yesterday and saw a great idea. On his program he allows his people to make veggie stock out of the extracted pulp!! I know it's cooked, but I still think I'm going to do it. I hate wasting the pulp for one thing, and I'm so cold all the time and I hate herbal teas, but love broth. And it would get more fluid into me too. I'm actually excited about broth, lol.
I also started to make water kefir again too- yay! I added some to my orange/grapefruit juice this morning- so good!
Oh, and my juicer comes tomorrow!!! WOOHOO!! There's no telling what time it will come, but I don't care- tomorrow I have to juice greens again, so I'm just going to hold off. I'll do oranges and grapefruit again and master cleanse it until I can use my new juicer. So these 3 new additions should really boost my morale to help keep me going for the next 65 days :)
Feeling kinda cranky today :P I'm cold and tired, and it's overcast, but my office is warm- so yay to that! Yesterday I just couldn't get warm at all. I got the heating pad out and sat on it all day, hahaha! Hey, it helped!
I'm not having time to go through to clean stuff out, but I did get another page up on my website and secured another inbound link- yay! I'm working on another page now- it should go up today as well :) I have to keep pressing forward toward my goals... however slowly it may be. Pressing on...
Let me know when you are coming off the feast, I have a great, easy, raw recipe for pasta and sauce. :)
ReplyDeleteI think you saw already- either March 31st or April 1st. I am writing all your recipes down so I don't lose them ;) I am really enjoying your posts! :)