Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 30

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Day 30
Jan. 29, 2012
Sunday AM

This adventure into the land of just juice has really been a fantastic learning experience. I've learned so much about my own body already. I am so much more in tune to my digestive system now, and have become better acquainted with the goings on in my liver as well. It's fascinating! I love learning how to manipulate my body by what I feed myself- it's such a feeling of self mastery and control- the antithesis of being a victim- love that!

So yeah, yesterday morning I thought I had rid myself of the green alien inside me, but I continued to give birth to siblings! I couldn't believe how many of them there were- the entire Chlorella family had taken up residence in my intestines. I gave them all a ride down the water slide from hell!! lol

Also feeling very thin today after the birthing experience yesterday. To induce labor I took extra Cascara Segrada and Magnesium Citrate powder- not sure how much of an effect the cleansing tea might have had too.

Brenda shared some nice teas with us yesterday at the class. I hate herbal teas, but tried the Deep Cleanse by Bija- YUM! I had to go next door and buy a box- so glad I tried it! Very surprised I like it, and it goes perfectly with my juicing journey.

I'm also not so cold today- woohoo!!

Slept pretty well for about 5 hours, but woke up at 3:00, read from 4:00-4:30 and went back to sleep- restlessly until 7:00. Still a bit tired, but I'm chalking it up to healing/detoxing :)

Oh man, did I make a mess this morning!! It would have only taken me 1/2 hour to make 1/2 gallon of juice, except for the mess! Still love my new juicer, but it did seem a bit more wasteful today- spitting a lot of unjuiced bits out the back. But, I am boiling broth with it- so I'm not too upset over it- more flavor for the broth :)  and the juice is really good! I juiced:
2 pounds Tomatoes
1 pound Kale
1 head Celery
1 Cucumber
1 bunch Parsley
2 heads Romaine

I added just the right amount of salt, garlic, cumin and chili pepper today for Mexican juice :)

I'm all out of makings now- will take a shower and do some shopping here in a few.

I so want to get to clean out my office- but the birds live here during the day and totally freak out if I'm not a good girl and just sit in my chair with my computer! And by the time I put them to bed, I'm done! I have a plan though! It will happen!

Working on my website- slowly... regrouping... cleaning out my MKL and will go back over the action guide and Key Words. Need to research for a coupla more pages before I build out another section. So I do have a plan there too- just need to push forward.

Feeling better- not so cranky. Ken thanked me for being nice yesterday! hahaha! I'm happy to not be exercising much.