Day 13, Thursday, PM
Well yesterday had to be one of the worst days of my life- not THEE worst, but not too far off. It was tough. I can't discuss details because it would embarrass people. I can't believe I stuck with the juice, but I did. And at the end of an extremely hard emotional day I had to go grocery shopping for the family! UGH! What a way to end a bad day- grocery shopping for food I can't eat and it was cold and rainy out. I hate shopping in the cold and rain.
And though yesterday was horrible- today was awesome! Yesterday's events spurred some creative ways for solving issues, and I think my life is taking a turn for the better :) I'm looking forward to changes I see on the horizon.
I'm still not taking any meds- I've not taken anything since I started. I don't even think about anxiety meds anymore :) Well, except for yesterday! I feel awesome though. I have plenty of energy. My sleep is sporadic though- some nights I sleep well and some I don't. I didn't get to workout yesterday, nor did I get my morning quiet time and no time/space for an enema- it was a seriously bad day.
Today, however, was awesome! I worked out first thing this morning and hope to continue that schedule from now on. I was also able to use the red light therapy/ beauty angel. And today was my first COFFEE enema- interesting, haha.
I still get hungry, and evenings are still hard. I was hoping that by now it would have gotten easier, but it hasn't. That won't change anything though- still moving forward. I am surprised that my will-power doesn't seem to be weakening or dissolving- what is keeping it strong? It has to be the juicing itself. Would I want to eat if I could? I haven't thought of it that way- just b/c I can't though, I want to! But if I think about giving myself permission to eat, would I want to? No, I don't want to. I want to stay the course.
Juicing/ Time/ Money:
Spent about 1/2 hour making a quart of citrus juice. Spent $2.50 on a bag of lemons last night. And once again I'm very surprised how much more money I seem to have! I still can't believe how much special ordering I must have done for my raw food diet.
I think I've already discussed pschology- intertwined with the physical and in the intro. But I think it's amazing how fused into one our body, minds and spirits are. It's so easy to think of the brain or mind as a separate entity- separate from being affected by what we feed our bodies except for things that are SUPPOSED to affect the brain like certain medications and alcohol and such. But if our brains are affected by that stuff then why not by the food we eat, right? I think in our society there is such a disconnect from what we put in our mouths as to how that affects the entire being- mind, emotions, body, spirit, brain chemistry, such a disconnect. But it's all one- what you put in your mouth IS GOING TO AFFECT every aspect of your being! How do you want to feel? How do you want to think? How do you want to act/behave? How healthy do you want to be? How creative do you want to be? How calm? What do you want your future to look like? Eat to support that!
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