Day 10, Monday 1/9/12 AM
All the pains in my stomach are pretty much gone now- yay. Last night I had a strange happening. Had a master cleanse for dinner @ 5:30. I broke open a cayene pepper capsule and put about 1/2 in the drink- took the other half. At 6:45 was done with an enema. The around 8:00 I had something between an anxiety attack and a hot flash. Are hot flashes accompanied by the shakes? I was driven to eat something- but I didn't. It was as if my blood sugar decided to plummet out of the blue or something. It took about 1/2 hour for the shaking to stop, but I'm fine now. Would just be nice to know what the heck that was.
I am doing the curcuit training almost everyday now- 30 minutes. I know the timeline protocol would have me just walk 30 minutes/day for 2 months, but I'm itchy to lift a little. I'll keep the weights light. I really like the express workout at my gym while juicing. I work up a good sweat by the end.
I slept much better last night- I so needed that!
Just read that I can have rooibos tea- woohoo!! Will be making some of that SOON!
So what do we turn to for comfort when we take away food, medication and alcohol? SHOPPING!! and I hate shopping too! But I was out yesterday and had some free time so I went to Goodwill. I have this deal that if I buy something I have to get rid of something so I don't end up a horder. I guess I do have "escapes" and things I do for comfort, they just aren't severe or destructive, but they aren't constructive either. Escapes and comforting are a diversion from dealing with whatever it is that is causing the discomfort. And I am dealing with the things I can control. I'll have to think more on the things that upset me and see what I might be able to do about them too.
I am rewarding myself for every 10 days I stick with the program- and this first 10 days I was going to join the Green Room, but I found an electric blanket on sale and decided to get that, and I went to Goodwill and spent $18 there. I'll join the Green Room on day 20. I want to have time to read the material and watch the videos, and this next 10 days will give me some time to work on the next phase of my website.
Juicing/ Time/ Money:
I didn't juice yesterday and don't have to juice today- woohoo! And I should have enough for tomorrow as well. So Wednesday morning I will juice and later, before work, I will shop for groceries. I have everything I need for juice this week- won't have to shop for produce until Saturday.
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