Day 6- Thursday 1/5/12 8:30 AM
So the beggining of this post is going to be RATED R- for those of you who don't want to read about enemas- just skip this section ;)
Enemas and Pyschology:
So they recommend enemas everyday for the first 2 weeks. Well Steve didn't go back to school until Tuesday. I need the house to be quiet with no one lurking around, thank you. It's not a long process- 15 minutes from start to finish maybe. But you should be by your bathroom for a while. There are 2 bends in the large intestine and the water came out in 3 stages. I found that interesting. But I had strange thoughts afterward... like wish I could give my thoughts and heart an enema!! Wouldn't it be awesome if you could just flush out all the crap from the part of yourself that isn't physical?! Giving yourself an enema is so easy- clearing out the garage that lingers in your soul and spirit seems a bit harder to deal with.
Then I had another thought yesterday too- if we/I can stop eating and make myself do physically whatever I want (within reason). why can't I FEEL the way I want all the time? Why aren't emotions as much under my control as my body? If my will can force my BODY into subjection, why can't it force my emotions as well? Maybe I can, but just don't know how to "manipulate" them properly- very profound thoughts I thought, hahaha! I have been taught that emotions follow actions- but I'm sure they are also subject to our thoughts and perceptions. I want to investigate this more as I experience negative emotions or if I'm not "feeling" the way I'd like to feel. I mean, why should a situation or event determine how I feel? They are MY emotions! I'm getting a bit upset just thinking about it- this is something that should be taught when we are much younger! I think most people don't "check" their thought or perceptions and act according to how they feel- whatever random feeling that may be! That is backwards!! Ah, and let's go deeper- values can drive perceptions, thoughts and actions as well.
I'm not talking about being "happy" either. I think the pursuit of happiness is futile and selfish. "Do whatever it is that makes YOU happy!" That inevitably leads to selfishness and, in my opinion, emptiness. I'm talking about controling negative and destructive emotions, and producing "contentment, peace, love and joy". And when I say "controlling" I'm not talking about holding them in and not lashing out. I'm talking about not even holding on to them for more than it takes to get rid of them- to not hold or nurse a grudge, bitterness, hate or anger. Although I think it's okay to hate things that hurt people (or animals), just as long as it isn't the predominate thought or emotion- see how emotions can spring from values! I think what brings contentment and joy is operating from a basis of love and selflessness- doing what's best for those around you.
Yesterday around 4 PM my stomach started hurting again- it kept up on and off until this morning. I'll try to drink some more juice around 3:00 or 3:30 today to see if that helps. I don't have a scale so I don't know how much I weigh right now- I weigh at my friend's house whenever I'm there.
I've been more serious about straining my juice- so my stomach could just be throwing tantrums about not having ANY fiber or bulk whatsoever- looking forward to that passing!
The gym is on the schedule today- maybe the express curcuit training room and red light therapy :)
Had a rather restless night. I know I did get a few hours of deep quality sleep though. Woke up at 4:45, got up at 5:15, no point just lying there- showered, did my hair (can't stand looking at it not fixed!)
Still no medications, but I am still coughing. I feel cold at times, but not to the bone like the other day. Making sure I dress warmly.
Juicing and Time:
I juiced 3 more heads of romaine and 10 apples to add to my juice from yesterday(only took me 1/2 hour)- it was way too bitter and "green" for the likes of me. I might still have enough for 2 more days then- we'll see. I must find out why tomatoes are not on the grocery list- I LOVED my tomato juice yesterday! I could live on just that! I think day 10's gift to myself will be access to juicefeasting.com's Green Room- which is their forum for juice feasters. I feel I need that support- and it comes with a lot of educational information too :)
Found a website that sells raw honey at a decent price: http://www.dakotahoney.com/Home_Page.php Hubby is going to order for me he said- woohoo! Speaking of honey- my green juice was just too yucky for me yesterday so last night I drank 24 oz. while eating a teaspoon of honey- YUM! That totally get me through it :) I'm going to have to be careful to not snack on honey!
I think that about sums it up for yesterday- lol! Hope everyone has a RAWsomely juicey day! :)
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