Day 17, Jan. 16, 2012, Monday AM
Today I woke up at 5:50, and was outta bed by 6:00. It occured to me just today that it used to take me almost 2 hours just to wake up in the morning and get going. My best time to workout was afternoon, but since that never fits with my work schedule (except on the weekends) I would go around 10:30 (or as late as possible). Today I was up by 6, got dressed, grabbed my water bottle and was out the door! I did my 30 minute experss circuit training and 12 minutes in the beauty angel and was home by 7:15! WOW! Up, alive, awake and ready to go- with NO coffee!! with no nothing actually! That's crazy!
I took yesterday off from the gym and shopped for produce. I also cooked for the fam.
Juicing/ Time/ Money:
I spent $35 yesterday- total now comes to $208. And since I've lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks I decided to buy some fruits for some fruit juice. They had strawberries and cranberries on sale and grapes weren't a bad price either. I came home and threw them in the Vita-mix and did the straining thing- the juice was still thick though, but oh so filling and yumi! I needed that! I also juiced more apples in the Vita-mix too- don't know how much time I spent juicing yesterday- an hour anyhow.
I think I'm going to put a Tablespoon of chlorella in my master cleanse tonight and see how that tastes- I bet it won't be bad. I'll have another grape/cran/strawberry drink too to help it down if it isn't good ;)
I'll need to juice for tomorrow- not sure how I'm going to do that- take a day off from the gym again or do it tonight or from 10-12 tomorrow??? At least I have plenty of options. I'll take the day off again- only supposed to be working out 3 days/week anyhow, and not even this early into the cleanse! Maybe I'll have time to walk tomorrow night, we'll see.
So yeah, took that cue from yesterday and started cleaning things out. Got a coupla bags of garbage and one for Goodwill- and that was just from 4 drawers, the bathroom closet and under my sink! It's time to get rid of stuff I don't use, don't want, don't need. The chore is going to be the garage, but I'm saving that for spring when it's warmer ;) Another big area is the laundry room, but I'll do that after everything else is done. Let's get rid of dead weight, garbage, things that do not add to my life, things that make organization hard.
Another thought I had the other day that is making staying on the juice feast a LITTLE easier is the fact that I can't just break it by eating whatever I want at this point. After the 12 day marker you need to break your fast in 3 days- the first being with prunes, the next with prunes and fruit, then leafy greens on the last day. So now that I'm this far along I might as well stay the course.
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