Day 9 Sunday, 1/10/12 AM
I forgot to mention yesterday that a very sore area of my gums just disappeared overnight! It had been really hurting whenever I brushed it- thought I was going to have to make a trip to the dentist. I used Neem oil (would rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick!) a couple of nights before it healed- so don't know if that had anything to do with it or not. Neem oil is THEE most disgusting taste I've ever tasted!!! like rotten peanuts- so nasty! But it's gone- yay!
Very restless sleeping. Both my arms fall asleep if I'm not on my back. I'm a bit tired this morning.
Weight: Oh, and I weighed myself yesterday at noon- 130 pounds, which is a loss of 5 pounds from the start (well, day 2 anyhow). I am looking and feeling thin.
Enema 3 last night which saw some foul smelling stuff flushed out- yay again! Getting clean!!
Juicing/ Time/ Money/ Shopping:
It felt like I juiced all day yesterday. I juiced over 2 gallons of green juice and 1/2 gallon of citrus. It probably took me a total of 3.5 hours.
Went shopping and spent $52, which brings my total to $170 so far (not including my order to Swanson Vitamins). But that will last me until the end of the week I'm sure- so I'm figuring less than $100/week, which I'm okay with :) I found a deal on sweet red peppers- a HUGE bag for $.69!! I'm guessing 2-3 pounds anyhow. So my juice tastes a lot like that. I'm not thrilled with it, but I can live with it. I should have just drunk the pepper juice- it was pretty good by itself. And I'm stocked up on celery since it's only $.88 a head right now- I keep buying extra when I go to the store while it's that cheap.
Well I did get to the bottom of the comfort issue- it's just life circumstances that I've been dealing with over the last 3 years that have been progressively getting worse. Even though I'm thin, I still use food for comfort. I guess I just know how to keep it under control. Everything I eat I LOVE! I don't eat anything that doesn't put a smile on my face- so everything I eat is comforting from that respect.
Since I've been on raw food, issues have surfaced, and I have already been dealing with them. But I will use this juicing adventure to dive deeper into issues and what else I can possibly do to change things for the better. It's like the serenity prayer:
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The Courage to change the things I can and
The Wisdom to know the difference.
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