Day 22
Jan. 21, 2012
Saturday AM
Feeling awesome! Had a great 8 hours sleep last night, which is rare. Don't think I got up once, which also never happens. I have forgotten to mention that I was getting sores on my gums over the past week. I just so happened across a video of a women who worked with Ann Gilmore- she said it's from lack of protein! They did a study on 40 participants and on the 3rd week of juice fasting they got periodontal disease from not enough protein. I upped my intake of chlorella and they disappeared :)
I also forgot to mention that stinky flatulence can come from juice that is too old (gone bad).
Not sure if I'll have time to workout today, but it's no problem if I don't- not really supposed to be working out this hard anyhow.
Juicing/ Time/ Money:
No juicing yesterday, but need to shop and juice today. It snowed here pretty good last night, and they are plowing now. I'll go out a bit later. I joined the Raw Rehab forum and learned that tomatoes are part of the nightshade family and contain a poison if picked before ripe- that's why they aren't on the juicing protocol. Some people are sensitive to it, but not me! :)
Still interested in cleaning out my life, just like my body. I continue to go thru my stuff slowly, as time allows. Still off all meds. I read that the green juice is very calming- that is great to know! I knew it was good for stress, but didn't know it had that direct effect. I think I'll need to be on it the rest of my life than!
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