1/3/12 Tuesday 7:15 AM
I find it amazing how much time I seem to have! Before I started this I didn't think I'd have time to fit juicing into my already overcrowded schedule. But my morning routine has been sliced by 2/3! And because I no longer feel the anxiety or pressure of time itself I feel like I have lots of time to do whatever I need to do.
Yesterday around 3:00 I had a rather traumatic emotional event which normally would have sent me to the anxiety pill bottle, but I resisted. I text'd a friend who was available to give me some emotional support- yay :) It only took me about 3 hours to come back to calm down and come back to center. I am able to think so clearly, and this is what I've wanted. Can't believe I've achieved this so quickly, but I guess eating raw for over 8 months has prepared my body for greater depth.
I've been drinking green juice made from: kale, spinach, parsley, celery, cucumber, apple and lemon. I'm really enjoying it. Yesterday I had some grape and cranberry and some orange, grapefruit and lemon too. I have an orangex citrus juicer- lucky me! I use my Samson juicer for the other juices. I have a Vita-mix, but really do not like the milk bag process. If my juice is too pulpy I just use a strainer.
I was warmer yesterday- wore 3 layers and used the heating pad- nice! :)
I really need to go to the health food store and get a refill on my high ph ionic water- I'm all out, and I need lemons too. I'm surprised how much I like the sourness since I have such a wicked sweet tooth! But the really sweet juices don't appeal to me. Anyway, while I have to go out I should go to the gym and walk- haven't been in such a long time! Oh, I did manage to get a 20 minute yoga session in yesterday too- woohoo, felt awesome!
I'm not nearly as "edgey" as I was. So many things used to get on my nerves! I did get irritated at my husband yesterday though, but it quickly passed- and I think I was picking up some emotion from him, I don't think it was all me.
Oh, and one realization I had yesterday was that my addictions started as a little kid. I had the croup all the time growing up and looking back the medicine must have had an opiate in it. Opiates stop coughing spells- I used to love that stuff and wanted more before I was supposed to have it. I remember just staring at the out of reach cabinet my mom used to keep it in wishing I could get to it! I should be upset about it, but what else do ya do? They had no idea about food allergies or environmental issues back then. I used to live in the basement (where the TV was) which was FULL OF MOLD!!! Mold used to grow in the vinyl chair we had down there. To this day I have respiratory issues- that's why I take allergy medicine.
Okie Dokie- on with Day 4!
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