1/7/12 Day 8, Saturday 10 AM
Juicing/ Time
Juiced this morning- 2 hours made 1.5 gallons of green juice. I also cleaned up the kitchen and washed the floor, so I think I did good. I still need to add more apples though. I think I also need to juice 2 more hearts of celery so I consume enough of that in a day. I need to shop for the apples and will do that this morning.
6 heads Romaine
2 bunches Parsley
1 pound Kale
18 oz. Spinach
3 Cucumbers
2 heads Celery
15 apples
and I add lemon juice when it's time to drink. I strained the apple juice well.
I had a master cleanse yesterday- wow! so good- Love that! My
swanson vitamin order came in the other day and had the cayene pepper- 100,000 Heat Units- woohoo! It comes in capsules cuz I guess they don't think anyone is crazy enough to palate that stuff, haha. I broke one open and put about 1/2 in my drink- yeah, that was plenty! My bird even liked it- a lot! LOL
My honey hasn't come yet, but I still have some from a gallon I bought a long time ago. I'll need more before I'm done, I'm sure. I thought about using a little of that in addition to the apples so I don't have to use so many- easier too ;)
No new developments yesterday. I'm still enjoying peace and contentment though- no medications still :) I don't even think about them much anymore really.
Food memories keep haunting me- I LOVE sauce! all kinds of sauces, but yesterday was spaghetti sauce- couldn't stop thinking about meatball sandwiches! I'm like, wth? I don't even eat meat or cooked food! But I'm sure it's b/c I ate that way for so long. It's like this devil inside me trying to entice me to eat. I don't like it. It's like my mind and my body are 2 completely separate entities- so weird!! So far just trying to turn it off doesn't work- neither does trying to ignore it. So today I think I'll listen to it and talk to it- try to comfort it, but not with what it wants. This is a good thing- where will it find it's comfort? not in food, that's for sure. I think I'll ask it if it's really craving food, or if it is comfort it is looking for. If it needs comfort I need to find out why- what painful thing is going on under the surface... what is it trying to avoid dealing with? Food is a way to "stuff" your feelings and comfort yourself from some painful emotions- just like alcohol or drugs. I will see if I can find out what's going on. It would be wonderful if I didn't have to keep battling the food hauntings!
For me, this whole juicing journey is more pyschological and spiritual than physical- pretty amazing stuff! powerful stuff!
Feeling really good, clean. A tiny bit tired, but nothing to keep me from doing what I need to do. I didn go to bed a little late last night- got about 7 hours sleep minus the times I woke up to pee (twice! UGH!) I think I slept a little better though- exercise is probably helping with that. I feel thin, but not anorexic- yet, hahaha. I will try to get to Heidi's to weigh myself today or tomorrow. No gym today- have too much else to do- might do some yoga this evening. I should be able to go to the gym tomorrow.
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