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1/14/12, Day 15, Saturday AM
Yesterday was not very eventful- can't remember much of anything noteworthy to say.
I must have slept wrong last night as my neck is sore, and if I move it the wrong way it shoots a pain to my head! Feeling good otherwise- full of energy, never have a feeling of fatigue or mid-afternoon crash- never! I'm still a bit cold, but I'm just dressing warmer and really enjoying my new electric blanket :) That was a great reward for my first 10 days!
Juicing/ Time/ Money:
I juiced this morning- took me about 2.5 hours, but I played around with the Vita-mix today. I hate juicing 20+ apples through the Samson. I think doing the apples in the VM will be quicker, and I like the juice better too- less apples seems to be sweeter for some reason.
I add a couple of cups of water to begin with and process some quartered apples- add more apples, and more, until it's full- the strain it 3 times. I have a wire strainer that gets the big stuff, next is nylon strainer that gets more pulp and lastly a nut milk bag (really, I use a paint straining bag!! haha- cheaper and don't have to order- just go to Lowe's!) I like straining that way b/c I don't have to squeeze much of anything and almost no pulp whatsoever.
I will do the apples daily as the VM will oxidize them faster. I seriously like the juice much better too. I can juice the greens in less than an hour- enough to last 2 days. The apples shouldn't even take me 1/2 hour a day, and so easy to clean up :)
I'll probably need to shop by the middle of the week. We are holding steady at approx. $173 for 2 weeks, including $40 for honey that should last 2 months. So only $133 for produce for more than 2 weeks! CHEAP!
Hope I get my honey today- I'm all out!!
Can't think of anything new. But this past week has been amazing! Getting to the route of some long standing issues and searching out best options to deal with them. I just read an awesome write by one of my teachers David Wolfe: http://longevitywarehouse.blogspot.com/2012/01/why-i-am-not-millionaire-by-david.html What freedom he has! I do envy that. This attitude is something I want to strive for. If I have nothing, I have nothing to lose! The more "stuff" we have, the more our energies are focused on protecting that stuff. Energy saved in one area can be better spent in more fulfilling arenas- helping others and giving back.
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