1/11/12 Wednesday, AM
Yesterday was an awesome day all the way around. I don't think I've felt better in my life! Temptations to eat were not as strong either. I did get to workout and use the beauty angel too :)
Juicing/ Time/ Money
I did juice this morning- can't say exactly how much time it took b/c I had to make Steve breakfast and my husband wanted to talk for about 45 minutes. I'd say it took less than 2 hours though.
6 heads Romaine
2 bunches Parsley
9 oz Spinach
2 hearts of Celery
1 pound Kale
20 apples
It filled almost 1.5 gallons. I shouldn't have to juice again until Saturday. I also juiced 5 lemons just now too, but I keep that in a separate bottle. No more money spent. I find I'm not spending near what I used to- so this is cheaper actually than the way I used to eat, which has really surprised me. I guess I spent a lot on raw organic nuts and raw cacao powder and coconut oil and goji berries- stuff like that. It all adds up! I'll probably keep juicing even after I'm done with the 92 days. I'm thinking about juicing all day and just eating dinner when this is over.
I've had to deal with an emotional bomb already this morning. If I can do this today I can do it any day!! And I thought Monday was a bad day- HA! Today's events laugh at Monday! I want my medicine!! But I made a cup of tea instead and turned up the heat- I'm cold! I'll get thru this!
Slept like crap last night. I will need sleep tonight!
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