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Day 25
Jan. 24, 2012
Tuesday afternoon
I feel amazing today! Got almost 8 hours sleep, was up by 5:30 to juice. Off to the bus stop, then to the gym, home by 8:00 to shower (skin brushing first). I'm still a wee bit tired though- will try to get to bed early again to catch up from the night before. Yesterday I was really dragging by afternoon and was a little cranky- it was a tough day, but I made it through :)
Had an awesome workout this morning- gave it probably about 95% effort- just had to ;) Went up in weights (even though I shouldn't be!) I'm very happy with my workout performance level.
Face is still a bit broken out- darnit! forgot to do a mud mask while I was having a colonic :/ Yeah, and more foulness from that, but not quite so bad as past times. I really massaged my gut all the while too- could hear lots of sloshing and gurgling going on. I'm sure I broke stuff free/loose. I was suprised by the amount of waste that was removed since I strain my juices real well- it had to be stuff that had been impacted.... grossness!
Juicing/ Time/ Money:
Juiced from 5:40- 7:00 including full clean up- made over 3 quarts of hard core green juice:
3 heads Celery
1 bunch Parsley
1 pound Kale
10 oz Spinach
2 cucumbers
3 heads Romaine
Take 2 cups of that and mix with a pound of juiced tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic (woohoo!), cumin, chili powder and salt- omg, soooo YUMI! I can't get enough of it!!
I also used my Jupiter to juice lemons, oranges and a grapefruit. I have enough juice for today, and enough green juice for tomorrow and Thursday, but will need to juice apples and/or tomatoes to mix it with :/ I can't wait for my Breville to come!! Instead of reporting on how much time it takes me to juice I feel like I should be reporting on the time I am not juicing- ugh! If I didn't need to strain it, it wouldn't be so bad, but the Samson is horrible with pulp from fruits or anything too soft :(
Started more water kefir today- decided to add some of that in. Thanks Ayn! ;)
I find myself saying, "I'm so excited" a lot lately! I'm so full of energy (most of the time) and life just seems so much more exciting!
Didn't get a chance to clean anything out yesterday- too busy with work and had to hit the rack early. But I did forget to report that I went through lots of stuff in the laundry room the other day. Getting a lot done! But I did work a little on my website yesterday- so that's a good thing. I really need to start focusing on that more too. AHHH! so much to do, so little time!
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