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Day 26
Jan. 25, 2012
Wednesday AM
UGH! Couldn't sleep after 3 AM!! which means I got only 4 hours sleep :/ But knowing I needed the rest I just lie there until 5:00- got up and went to the gym :) I decided today to do light weight/ high reps- I got 25-30 reps on most machines, and I worked pretty hard on the steps in between- good workout. Then I did the Beauty Angel since there was no wait and I had time. Back home- breakfast for the kiddo, made my juice for the day, cleaned the kitchen, took a shower/ make up/ hair/ made the bed by 8:30!! woohoo! Love it!
But I am a little tired and not looking forward to the struggle of the day b/c of it :/ I did have a small master cleanse with chlorella right before bed, but had no trouble falling asleep. I'm thinking it's coritisol... I'll drink the master cleanse for dinner and save the green stuff for before bed- see if that helps, plus I'll take some ashwaghanda tonight too.
I feel like I've lost more weight b/c I'm too lazy to make enough juice! It's just too much work with the Samson- can't wait to get my Breville- hurry up Amazon!!
Juicing/ Time/ Money:
Spent about 1/2 hour making my Italian Juice. Yesterday was Mexican with cumin and chili powder; today is Italian with Italian herbs :) Yumi!
I am loving this journey. I kinda feel a little more settled on just juice- is it getting easier to not eat or am I just getting used to the battle? not sure.
I've known this, but it just rang true to me yesterday- every commitment is a choice that negates something else- meaning every time you choose something you are NOT choosing something else/ we give up something in order to have something- it's like a trade off. And also- every commitment is tested... just some random thoughts...
I feel like my life is taking on new directions, opening up new opportunities. If it hadn't been for Juicefeasting.com I would never have found Raw Food Rehab- which has really enriched my life. And through them I discovered more closely Russell James and ordered his new course yesterday!! woohoo!! This is what I will use to bring raw food to Altoona. I hope to teach a 10 week course at the YMCA using his material :)
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