1/2/12 Monday 8:42 AM
I've been wanting to get more sleep, and last night I fell asleep watching a movie around 8:00! I was in bed by 9:15. I had been COLD all day. I took a very hot shower around 6 PM which probably contributed to being relaxed enough to fall asleep so early. But the cold feeling came back and couldn't even get warm under the electric blanket! I'm sure I slept a lot, but felt restless most of the night. Had to get up twice to pee (which is annoying), and the alarm woke me up at 7 AM- can't remember the last time I slept that long!
I have been having a hard time with making my juice "meals", but that seems to be getting progressively better. I'm not hungry, and think my stomach has finally given in to the fact that it isn't getting anything solid. Evenings are the hardest time for me with having to make dinner, and my birds get a tiny bit of ice cream before bed. Ice cream is my biggest weakness! I usually have about a tablespoon when I'm dishing it out for them- this is usually enough to satisfy me. I have been successful in not indulging thus far. I'm not sure I'm drinking a whole gallon, maybe 3/4. I'm adding a bit of water kefir to most of my juices and probably get about a 1/2 quart of that a day (b/c it takes 2 days to make 1 quart- I want to make sure there's no sugar left).
I've realized that anxiety/stress/pressure has been an emotional habit for me- weird, I would have never come to that conclusion. It's really strange because I want to be anxious, but don't know what to be anxious about!! hahaha It's not the same as worry- I've never been a worrier. This is more about time and not having enough to get everything done I think I need to do. I've almost never been able to relax and I think it's led to my being irritable a lot. I'm really looking forward to the day when this habit has completely left me. I'm wondering if it was the raw milk that was "exciting" me??? I haven't taken any medication since starting the feast- yay! not even allergy medicine- although I am still coughing a bit.
I'm a bit tired, but relaxed- I like it. I feel a bit reclusive too, but it's winter and cold out, and I've never been big on going out in the cold. I'm wearing 3 layers to keep warm today- so far so good, but I hate feeling bulky. I'm thinking I should have done this in the summer! There won't be any watermellons to juice for this feast either- so maybe next time I'll do it during the warmer weather. But this is so perfect- beginning right before New Years and ending on my birthday. I might do it next year as well for turning 50- then after that I'll do it in the summer.
I've decided that in order to create more time for juicing I will probably not put on make-up for most of these 90 days. And I will probably juice every other day (making enough for 2 days) and shower every other day, but we'll see how it goes. I work from home so no worries! haha
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